OSSTF/FEESO Awards for Non-Members

Lamp of Learning Award · Guidelines




OSSTF/FEESO cordially invites you to nominate candidates from your community (not a member of OSSTF/FEESO) for the Lamp of Learning Award. The Award is presented annually by OSSTF/FEESO at a meeting of the Provincial Council in Toronto.

The successful candidate, who must not be a member of OSSTF/FEESO, will be selected by a panel of judges on the basis of exemplary contributions to public education in Ontario. This may consist of constructive participation in educational affairs over a number of years, or of work on some recent and specific undertaking. The achievements for which a person is nominated may be province-wide or local in scope.

It should be noted that greater emphasis will be put on nominations that (a) cite recent accomplishments, and (b) cite specific accomplishments.

Candidates may be nominated by the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations, school boards, trustee organizations, school councils, service clubs, municipal bodies, education authorities, business organizations, labour councils, secondary school staff, bargaining unit executives and individuals throughout the province.

We require a complete and detailed account of each candidate's contribution to Ontario’s public  education. Clippings and other supporting material have been found useful by the judges.

Please limit your submission to a maximum of fifteen pages of print material. Support material may include testimonials from individuals or groups. The award winner will be notified in March.

Please mail your nomination no later than January 31 to:

Lamp of Learning Committee
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
49 Mobile Drive
Toronto, ON
M4A 1H5

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