Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources

Socially-based Curriculum Units · African Contributions to the Development of Canada


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African Contributions to the Development of Canada

Socially-based Curriculum Unit

This unit is focused on the contributions of Africans and Black Canadians to Canadian society over the last four hundred years.  The unit highlights famous Africans and Black Canadians, and communities and how they have influenced different regions of Canada, socially, politically and economically.  A historical background is given in order to understand the origins of slavery in Canada, and how discrimination and racism has endured to present day.  There is also a focus on current contributions of Black Canada to Canadian society. 

Students will comprehend the ongoing contributions of Africans and Black Canadians to Canadian society over the last four hundred years. Students will gain an understanding of the struggles and barriers that Blacks in Canada have had to face over the centuries and today. There will be an emphasis on the positive contributions of individuals and communities over the same time periods.  Students will learn to question mainstream interpretations of history, as well as how Black Canadians are portrayed in present day media.  Students will further develop historical inquiry, research and presentation skills.

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