Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources

Socially-based Curriculum Units · Dredging the Depths of Dystopian Despondency


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Dredging the Depths of Dystopian Despondency

Socially-based Curriculum Unit

In this unit, designed for ENG4U (English, Grade 12, University Preparation), students will read dystopian fiction to understand social issues and look at non-fiction analyses of the world as tools to understanding and systematizing their thinking about injustice, inequality and distortions of modern society. Students will engage in critical questioning of texts, value systems and world views in cooperative groups and share summaries of their discoveries. They will explore the following ideas:

  1. While, the quest for perfection in society is fraught with dangers, it is nonetheless worth pursuing, though cautiously and respectfully.

  2. Dystopian fiction uses satire to critique distortions in society in order to improve it. Thus critical thinking and its expression are vital to society.

  3. Dystopian fiction focuses on the fate of humans as social entities rather than as individuals in order to continue our species.

  4. Respect for the rights of other human beings is fundamental to the continuance of our society, civilization, even species.

  5. All sectors of society need to participate in imagining “a better world is possible” then act upon it.

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