Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources · Canadian Black Lives

Resource Centre

Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources · Canadian Black Lives


Resource Centre

Canadian Black Lives

** When using this resource, please keep in mind that the writing team completed their work during the 2020/2021 school year and the resource was launched the fall of 2022.**

Canadian Black Lives (CBL) is an Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) member created curriculum resource that was developed in an effort to provide members with guidance and information to support the ongoing work of learning about the heritages, histories, cultures, and contributions of the African Diaspora in Canada. The intent is for this resource to illustrate how this knowledge can be highlighted in various subject areas.

This curriculum resource tells a story of resistance, resilience and rising. The content of this document will assist education workers in bridging the gaps in knowledge of Black History and building a growing body of resources to support teaching about Canadian Black Lives and anti-Black racism in Canada.

The teaching of African Canadian history should not be viewed as an “event,” but rather as an ongoing process taking place throughout the school year, not just during Black History Month. The intent of the information presented in this document is to build teacher background knowledge on the accomplishments and contributions of people of African descent to Canadian history.

The CBL Writing Team strongly believe that Anti-racism in teaching and learning is ongoing, intentional, and requires commitment. By sharing this resource the CBL Writing Team and OSSTF/FEESO encourages all educators to improve their daily practice, raise their awareness and take deliberate and urgent action to dismantle systemic oppression and anti-Black racism through secondary course and program delivery throughout the province.

Resource Writing Team and a message from the OSSTF/FEESO President

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Comments and/or feedback on the Canadian Black Lives curriculum resource can be sent to