News · COVID-19 Information



COVID-19 Information

In light of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, OSSTF/FEESO has collected the following information in an effort to support members and the public through these incredibly challenging times.

OSSTF/FEESO has created a NEW COVID-19 Updates section on the myOSSTF portal.  Registered users can click here to access this information. Please note, all registered users are required to provide their log in information in order to access the myOSSTF portal. 

Please contact your local OSSTF/FEESO representative with any questions related to the impact of COVID-19 on the terms of any local/central collective agreement.

The items below are not intended to replace the information provided by any employer or public health organization.

OSSTF/FEESO will welcome any opportunity to work with the Ministry of Education and Ontario’s school boards to ensure that our schools are safe places for our students, and for the educators who work with them.

Health and Safety Resources

Ontario Public Health Units

Ontario Public Health Units List and Links

Services de santé dans votre collectivité - Emplacements des bureaux de santé


Social Media

Twitter - @ONTHealth

Facebook - @ONThealth


Public Health Ontario

Public Health Ontario

Santé publique Ontario


Social Media

Twitter - @PublicHealthON

Facebook - @PublicHealthON


Public Health Agency of Canada

Public Health Agency of Canada

Agence de la santé publique du Canada


Social Media

Twitter -@PHAC_GC

Facebook -Public Health Agency of Canada


World Health Organization

World Health Organization (WHO)

Organisation moniale de la Santé


Social Media

Twitter - @WHO

Facebook - @WHO

Workers Health and Safety Centre


Ministry of Education


Ministry of Education

Ministère de l’Éducation


Social Media

Twitter @ONeducation

Facebook @OntarioEducation






24/7 Free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling

Funded by the Government of Ontario


Social Media

Twitter - @ConnexOntario

Facebook - ConnexOntario

Egale Canada - Queerantine 101 Resource Hub

Egale Canada - Queerantine 101 Resource Hub


Social Media

Twitter @egalecanada

Facebook @EgaleCanada

Instagram @egalecanada

Employee Assistance Program

All employees are encouraged to access the resources and supports provided in your local Employee Assistance Program




Free, confidential service for post-secondary students in Ontario, available 24/7/365


Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone

Jeunesse, J'écoute


Social Media

Twitter @KidsHelphPhone

Facebook @KidsHelpPhone

Instagram @kidshelpphone


Mental Health Commission of Canada

Resource Hub: Mental health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic


Social Media

Twitter @MHCC_

Facebook @theMHCC

Instagram @themhcc


 School Mental Health Ontario



Social Media

Twitter @SMHO_SMSO

Telehealth Ontario

Telehealth Ontario


The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)



Social Media

Twitter @CAMHnews

Facebook @CentreforAddictionandMentalHealth

Instagram @camhnews


Labour Resources

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)


Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL)



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