How Your Voice Gets Heard
Democracy is the hallmark of OSSTF/FEESO decision–making. 
In our bottom-up process, decisions flow from individual members, through work place representation, Bargaining Units, the Provincial Council, the Provincial Executive and the Provincial Assembly (see chart).
Anyone can rise to the level of their talents and commitment through progressive elections.
Strong local autonomy is our foundation, and that is reflected in our Bargaining Units. Bargaining Unit officers are elected by all members of the unit.
Our bargaining units are organized into 37 districts representing different areas of the province and, in some cases, different job classes or languages. All bargaining units and districts have their own constitution and elected executive.
The Provincial Council is the legislative body that acts in the name of the Federation between annual meetings. Since Councillors represent individual districts, sectors and bargaining units, Provincial Council reinforces our democratic tradition and local representation.
The Provincial Executive is elected for a two-year term at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA). The Provincial Executive is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Federation and oversees the Provincial Office. The Provincial Executive answers to the members through the Provincial Council.
The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA) is the supreme decision-making body for the Federation. AMPA elects the Federation’s seven-member Provincial Executive every two years as well as representatives to the Board of Governors of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation.