
Secured Services · Create an OSSTF/FEESO account



Create an OSSTF/FEESO account

Enter your information below to register for your OSSTF/FEESO account.


Did you know?

Basic accounts allow limited access to web portal services. Creating one requires a name, previously unregistered email address that you have access to (we send you a verification email) and a non-trivial password.

Member accounts include all Basic Account features plus access to additional online services. Completion of the online verification process requires your OSSTF/FEESO member ID and confirmation of information contained in our membership database. The verification process can also be completed over the phone with our membership database staff (1-800-267-7867 or 416-751-8300).

Set your password using the following criteria:
  • minimum 10 characters
  • at least one lower case character (a-z)
  • at least one upper case character (A-Z)
  • at least one number (0-9)
  • Special characters are optional, not required.
    Only the special characters listed below are allowed :
    @ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ;

OSSTF/FEESO Membership ID Card (English and French)